Caramel reviews The Dragonet Prophecy (Book One of Wings of Fire) by Tui Sutherland and Mike Holmes

Caramel reviews the graphic novel version of The Dragonet Prophesy (Book One of Wings of Fire) by Tui Sutherland (with art work by Mike Holmes).

Caramel has been eager to get his paws on this book series for ages! Today he reviews the graphic novel version of the first book of the Wings of Fire series by Tui Sutherland (adapted by Barry Deutsch, art work by Mike Holmes, color by Maarta Laiho). As usual, Sprinkles is taking notes and asking questions as needed.

Caramel reviews The Dragonet Prophecy (Book One of Wings of Fire) by Tui Sutherland and Mike Holmes.
Caramel reviews The Dragonet Prophecy (Book One of Wings of Fire) by Tui Sutherland and Mike Holmes.

Sprinkles: How do you want to start this review Caramel?

Caramel: If you are a person who likes dragons and graphic novels, this series might be good for you.

S: You must be channeling Marshmallow! That’s usually how she starts her reviews!

C: Good point! Maybe I should also start rating books!

S: We can think about that later. So what else do you want to tell us about this book?

C: Can I share a quote? Or a page?

S: Let’s stick with a quote. A whole page might be too much.

C: Hmm. Ok, maybe later. There is a Queen dragon named Oasis who gets killed, and then her daughters, three dragon princesses, Burn, Blaze, and Blister, are fighting for her throne.

S: Those names sound kind of scary. Do they all breathe fire?

C: No. I don’t think so. Oh, or maybe they can. I don’t know really.

S: And there is a prophecy, right? What is that about?

C: It’s about these five dragons who will stop the war and choose the next queen of the SandWings.

S: So Oasis is a SandWing. What other kinds of dragons are there in this world?

C: There are MudWings, SeaWings, NightWings, and RainWings. Apparently the NightWings were supposed to tell the future and read minds, but the NightWing dragonet Starflight cannot do any of that.

S: But still these five will somehow save the world, or stop the war, or something, right?

C: Right something like that.

S: So is a dragonet a baby dragon?

C: I think so.

S: So this sounds like a complicated storyline. Are there any humans on this world?

C: Yes, only a few, and they are not very good. They killed Oasis. The dragons call them Scavengers.

S: So the whole story is told from the viewpoint of the dragons, rights?

C: Or rather, the dragonets!

S: What do you think of the illustrations? This book is very orange.

C: The cover is but the inside is not! It is colorful though. And the drawings are really good.

Caramel is enjoying his first real graphic novel: The Dragonet Prophecy (Book One of Wings of Fire) by Tui Sutherland and Mike Holmes.
Caramel is enjoying his first real graphic novel: The Dragonet Prophecy (Book One of Wings of Fire) by Tui Sutherland and Mike Holmes.

S: According to Common Sense Media, this book is a bit too violent for some kids. What did you think?

C: Yeah, there were some parts I wanted to skip. And I did. So I think it is true that it has some violent parts. There are some deaths for example.

S: But also the review above is of the actual book, not the graphic novel version. So there may be some differences. Did you read the original book?

C: Nope.

S: Did you even know there was another version?

C: I did.

S: I think the graphic novels are newer and they are coming out one by one, but there are a lot more of the series that are in regular book format. Do you think you will want to read those too?

C: Nope, not really.

S: Really? I think the other books might also be interesting. Maybe once you are done with the graphic novels, you will want to know what happens next and you will end up wanting to read the other ones too. There are only two graphic novels so far and the series has over fifteen books

C: We will see. Maybe Marshmallow will read them first.

S: That might be a good idea. They might be for older bunnies… But so far so good, right? You seem to love this book, you are almost inseparable from it!

C: Yes! But now it’s time for me to say: Stay tuned for more book bunnies adventures!

Caramel really enjoyed reading The Dragonet Prophecy (Book One of Wings of Fire) by Tui Sutherland and Mike Holmes.
Caramel really enjoyed reading The Dragonet Prophecy (Book One of Wings of Fire) by Tui Sutherland and Mike Holmes.

11 thoughts on “Caramel reviews The Dragonet Prophecy (Book One of Wings of Fire) by Tui Sutherland and Mike Holmes”

  1. Hmm, an unusual perspective, a book (series?) from the dragons’ point of view.

    Maybe dragons did exist at one time. So many societies have dragons in their mythology.

    Liked by 1 person

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