Marshmallow reviews The Odyssey: A Graphic Novel Adaptation by Gareth Hinds.

Today Marshmallow reviews The Odyssey, the famed epic from about twenty-eight centuries ago attributed to Homer, in its graphic novel adaptation by Gareth Hinds, first published in 2010. Sprinkles is taking notes and asking questions.

Marshmallow reviews The Odyssey: A Graphic Novel Adaptation by Gareth Hinds.
Marshmallow reviews The Odyssey: A Graphic Novel Adaptation by Gareth Hinds.

Sprinkles: So Marshmallow, we know you are a big fan of mythology, and you have read a ton of books about Greek myths especially.

Marshmallow: You mean I read all the Rick Riordan books?

S: I guess. But besides his standard series based on Greek myths (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Heroes of Olympus and Trials of Apollo), you have also read and reviewed Percy Jackson’s Greek Gods and Percy Jackson’s Greek Heroes. Those gave you quite a foundation on Greek mythology.

M: I guess you could say that. But I did not really read the myths from other sources …. until now!

S: Yes, that’s right. So when you told me your English class was reading The Odyssey by Homer, I was excited. And when I learned it was a graphic novel version, I knew you would find it absolutely fascinating!

M: That is exactly right. I really enjoyed reading about Odysseus and his adventures. I had read a lot about that world, as you said, but with the graphic novel version, I could see it!

S: So okay, maybe we can start there then. Can you tell us a bit about the illustrations and coloring?

M: Well, it is colorful. And distinct characters have distinct facial features. And there is a lot of action, and the action is depicted very effectively. I should also say though that there is a lot of nudity and graphic violence.

S: I guess it is not meant for very young bunnies.

M: No, I do not think so. For example on page 23, they are skinning an ox, and it is very much visible. And there is a scene or three when Odysseus and this lady are doing stuff. “Engaging in sexual acts”, one might say.

S: I see. I guess it is meant for more mature bunnies.

M: Yes.

Marshmallow is reading The Odyssey: A Graphic Novel Adaptation by Gareth Hinds.
Marshmallow is reading The Odyssey: A Graphic Novel Adaptation by Gareth Hinds.

S: Okay, then, maybe let us move on to the plot. The story of The Odyssey is relatively well known in some places, but not all our readers might know or remember. Can you tell us a bit about what this odyssey is about?

M: Odysseus fought in the Trojan War, which was described in detail in The Iliad. The Odyssey happens after the wars and tells the story of Odysseus going back home to Ithaca. He meets a lot of challenges and distractions along the way, so the trip takes him about ten years, but he eventually makes it home to his wife Penelope in one piece.

S: The way you described Odysseus and his journey reminded me of one of my favorite poems, Ithaka, by Greek poet Constantine P. Kavafy. Kind of like the journey is the point, the arrival a goal set to start the action, but not really the central meaning of everything.

M: Well, I guess that fits the book I have just read. Odysseus has so many adventures, and he is sometimes quite easily distracted, experiencing and exploring and learning and so on. And the home that he is heading to appears only at the very end.

S: You had met some of the characters in this story earlier in some of the Percy Jackson books, right?

M: Yes, cyclops and the sirens, and so on, they all showed up at various points in the Percy Jackson books. So it was really neat to see where all those stories came from originally, and also to see how this one artist, Gareth Hinds, visualizes them in his head.

S: You know that he has also published a graphic novel version of The Iliad, right? Are you going to read that one, too?

M: Yes, I want to.

S: Great! So maybe you will review it for the book bunnies blog some time in the near future.

M: Probably! I’d rate this book 100%, so I am hopeful about the other one.

S: That will be wonderful! Alright, Marshmallow, this is probably a good place to wrap up our review. What would you like to tell our readers?

M: Stay tuned for more amazing reviews from the book bunnies!

Marshmallow rates The Odyssey: A Graphic Novel Adaptation by Gareth Hinds 100%.
Marshmallow rates The Odyssey: A Graphic Novel Adaptation by Gareth Hinds 100%.

One thought on “Marshmallow reviews The Odyssey: A Graphic Novel Adaptation by Gareth Hinds.”

  1. RG’s comments:

    It is hard to fathom by modern standards but can you imagine? The Trojan war lasted 10 years and it took Odysseus another 10 years to get home to Ithaca and his wife. It’s hard to imagine being gone for 20 years, specially when he was the King of Ithaca. No phone calls, no telegrams, no carrier pigeons, no news from home and his wife,…

    When I was Marshmallow’s age, my favorite books were the Iliad, the Odyssey and the Ramayana. The latter being an epic Hindi story, also involving a long absence, in this case by Rama, an Indian prince, who was exiled to the forests for 14 years. Although not Greek mythology, I think Marshmallow may also like this story.

    KG’s comments:

    I always look at Marshmallow’s book ratings, which tells me she really liked this book and its connections to the Percy books she’s read before.


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