Caramel reviews The One and Only Family by Katherine Applegate

Last week Caramel reviewed The One and Only Ruby by Katherine Applegate, the third book about the motley crew of dear friends of silverback Ivan whose story started it all. Today he reviews the fourth and currently the last book in this series, The One and Only Family, which was released earlier this month. As usual Sprinkles is taking notes and asking followup questions.

Caramel reviews The One and Only Family by Katherine Applegate.
Caramel reviews The One and Only Family by Katherine Applegate.

Sprinkles: So Caramel, this is the fourth book in this series. What can you tell us about it?

Caramel: This is the newest book in the One and Only Ivan series. I can’t say it is the best but it is pretty good.

S: Do you have a favorite?

C: No, they are all so good. That is why I can’t say this is the best, because they are all the best.

S: I see. Okay, so the first three books had Ivan, Bob, and Ruby in their titles, and they were mainly narrated by Ivan, Bob, and Ruby, respectively. But this one does not have a name in the title. It is just “family”. So who is telling this story?

C: Ivan.

S: The one and only!

C: Yes! The OG!

S: So we are back at the beginning, kind of. Tell me what is going on with Ivan then.

C: He is going to be a daddy!

S: I remember he had a mate in the second book, but I don’t think they had babies together.

C: Yep. Ivan had a mate named Kinyani. And in this book they have twin babies!

S: That is so exciting! But wait, if there is a new book, there might be new problems to solve. Can you tell us a bit more? What is the book about then?

C: It is about the joys and challenges of parenthood.

S: That is such a lofty thing to say for such a tiny little bunny!

C: Well, I am sort of quoting Ivan.

S: Oh I see. I remember Ivan was a quite sophisticated gorilla.

Caramel is reading The One and Only Family by Katherine Applegate.
Caramel is reading The One and Only Family by Katherine Applegate.

S: So tell me more about the book.

C: There are times when Ivan is sad because he remembers his original family, and there are a lot of funny and sweet things that happen, too. Just what you would expect from this series. It is always so good!

S: I see. I am guessing you liked the book then.

C: Obviously!

S: Okay, so if you were to describe it using three to five words ,what would you say?

C: Funny adventures with old friends, hard-to-put-down page-turner.

S: Hmm, again, that is a lot more than three to five words, but it will do. You said old friends. So do we see Bob the dog and Ruby the elephant in this book, too?

C: Yes. And the girl too, Julia.

S: I see. More or less the same main cast then.

C: Yes, but we get to see more of Kinyani, and then there are the twins, Raji and Tuma.

S: And they are all as likeable as the original crew?

C: Yes, I liked them!

S: So you would recommend this book to other bunnies?

C: Yes, but it would be best if they read the earlier books first. They would know the characters much better that way.

S: Makes sense to me Caramel. Okay, so maybe this is a good time to wrap up this review. What would you like to tell our readers?

C: Stay tuned for more book bunny reviews!

Caramel loved reading The One and Only Family by Katherine Applegate and will not forget these wonderful friends for a long while.
Caramel loved reading The One and Only Family by Katherine Applegate and will not forget these wonderful friends for a long while.

One thought on “Caramel reviews The One and Only Family by Katherine Applegate”

  1. RG’s comments:

    Ah, the “joys and challenges of parenthood.” Oh yes, the fun is just beginning for Ivan. I imagine gorilla parents go through just about all the emotions that human parents go through.

    KG’s comments:
    Even for a gorilla, being a parent is one of the hardest jobs, next to survival.

    Liked by 1 person

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