Caramel reviews Narwhal’s Sweet Tooth by Ben Clanton

Caramel’s very first review ever for the book bunnies blog was Narwhal: The Unicorn of the Sea!, the first book of Ben Clanton’s Narwhal and Jelly series. Since then, he has reviewed seven more books in the series: Super Narwhal and Jelly JoltPeanut Butter and JellyNarwhal’s Otter Friend, Happy Narwhalidays, Narwhal’s School of Awesomeness, Narwhalicorn and Jelly and A Super Scary Narwhalloween. Today, as his last review before the book bunnies take off for the month of July, he is reviewing the ninth and most recent book in the series: Narwhal’s Sweet Tooth, which is scheduled to come out in July 2024. As usual, Sprinkles is taking notes and asking questions.

The book bunnies received this book as an advance review copy.

Caramel reviews Narwhal's Sweet Tooth by Ben Clanton.
Caramel reviews Narwhal’s Sweet Tooth by Ben Clanton.

Sprinkles: So Caramel, here we are, with a brand new Narwhal and Jelly book!

Caramel: Yes! I am very excited about it!

S: Great! So tell us about the book. What are the goofy duo Narwhal and Jelly up to this time?

C: Well, they are not up to anything. But Narwhal has a problem.

S: Oh no! What is his problem?

C: His tooth nearly breaks off!

S: His special narwhal tooth?

C: Yes. Well, it is actually called a tusk, but yes.

S: Why? How does this happen?

C: His tooth nearly breaks off because he keeps stacking food on it. You can look at the picture in the front of the book. Just like that.

S: I see. That might not be a good way to use the tooth I suppose.

C: Yeah, no, it is not. And he is eating a lot of sweets. The title tells you that. He has a sweet tooth. That means he likes sweets a lot. And everyone knows too much candy is bad for your teeth.

S: That is definitely true. Too much candy, and especially if you do not brush your teeth afterwards…

C: Yeah, Narwhal does not brush his teeth. But he learns to brush it in the end.

S: Caramel, you had reviewed a book about teeth and keeping them clean many many years ago!

C: Oh, I had already forgotten. It has been a while.

S: But you have not forgotten that it is important to keep teeth clean.

C: Of course not! We bunnies need our teeth to be healthy.

Caramel is reading Narwhal's Sweet Tooth by Ben Clanton.
Caramel is reading Narwhal’s Sweet Tooth by Ben Clanton.

S: Well, so it has been a while since you last reviewed a new Narwhal and Jelly book. How did it feel to have a new book about these two friends?

C: Very good. I think Narwhal and Jelly are the coolest!

S: And it seems like this book in particular has an important message about teeth, but did it feel like it was trying to teach you something?

C: Yes, a little bit, but I did not mind it. I love Narwhal and Jelly. And they are always so funny and fun! Reading these books makes me happy!

S: That sounds wonderful! Okay, so tell me your favorite quote from the book.

C: Jelly says to Narwhal: “Narwhal it’s hard to frown when you’re around.”

S: That is a nice thing for a friend to say to another friend.

C: Yes. They are good friends.

S: I seem to recall that these books often have a bunch of facts sprinkled here and there, and you love those facts too. Were there any facts in this book too?

C: Yep.

S: Were they all about teeth?

C: Yes! But not all about keeping them clean.

S: Did you learn anything new?

C: Yup. My most favorite new fact from the book is that the purple sea urchin has five teeth! And here is a webpage from the Monterey Bay Aquarium that shows those five teeth!

S: That is really cool! Not a lot of natural things have five-fold symmetry like that!

C: True! But you showed me that apples do!

S: Yep. That is one of my favorite fun facts. Okay, so this all sounds like you really enjoyed reading Narwhal’s Sweet Tooth.

C: Yes!

S: So if someone had not read any of the earlier books, would they still enjoy this one?

C: Yes, Narwhal and Jelly are really cool anyways. But if you want to know them better, you can read some of the earlier books too.

S: So the adventures can be read independently?

C: Yes.

S: That is great, Caramel. So maybe this is a good time to wrap up our review. What would you like to tell our readers?

C: I’m going on a break till July!

S: Yes, Marshmallow has one more review on Saturday, but then we take the month of July off. So–

C: So, yes, enjoy your summer and stay tuned for more book bunny reviews!

Caramel loved reading Narwhal's Sweet Tooth by Ben Clanton just as much as he loved reading all the other Narwhal adventures, and he is looking forward to more!
Caramel loved reading Narwhal’s Sweet Tooth by Ben Clanton just as much as he loved reading all the other Narwhal adventures, and he is looking forward to more!

One thought on “Caramel reviews Narwhal’s Sweet Tooth by Ben Clanton”

  1. RG’s comments:

    Congratulations on being able to get an advanced copy.

    There can’t be anything worse than being a Narwhal and having a tooth ache.
    Keep brushing and flossing. Unlike sharks, we have a limited supply of teeth.

    Wishing a relaxing July to the BookBunnies family.

    KG’s comments:

    Good habits are hard to break once they are established, but they sure are hard to make them a habit.

    I wish the BookBunnies a well deserved break.

    Liked by 1 person

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