Caramel reviews The One and Only Ruby by Katherine Applegate

Marshmallow was the first one who read and reviewed The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate, but Caramel followed her soon after. Then he read and reviewed the sequel, The One and Only Bob. This week he finally got his paws on the third book in the series: The One and Only Ruby, published in 2023. As usual, Sprinkles is taking notes and asking questions.

Caramel reviews The One and Only Ruby by Katherine Applegate.
Caramel reviews The One and Only Ruby by Katherine Applegate.

Sprinkles: So Caramel, here we are, talking about yet another book about the gorilla Ivan and his friends.

Caramel: Yes, but this one is not so much about Ivan. It’s more about Ruby, the baby elephant that we met in The One and Only Ivan.

S: Oh, is she still a baby in this book?

C: Yes. Or maybe she is a bit older, she is acting like seven or eight, but that would be still quite young for an elephant. Or maybe she is only two years old, because apparently that is around the time elephants start getting their tusks, and that is what is happening in this book.

S: That is interesting!

C: And what is also interesting is that apparently some female elephants lost their tusks by evolution in the second half of the twentieth century due to ivory poaching. It is very interesting but also very sad and angry-making. Why do people have to kill elephants for their tusks? It is theirs! Let them keep their own tusks!

S: I know Caramel, and I totally agree with you. It is not fair. But let us come back to Ruby and the book. So what is the book about? Is it all about her tusks?

C: Not quite. It is more generally about her story. She does not like tusks, and there is a sad reason for that.

S: Hmm, I am getting some ideas because of what we just talked about.

C: Yep. And that’s why I am glad we are not elephants. But I won’t tell you more.

Caramel is reading The One and Only Ruby by Katherine Applegate.
Caramel is reading The One and Only Ruby by Katherine Applegate.

S: Okay, then, maybe we can move on. Tell me about the book in other ways. Is Ruby the narrator this time? The Ivan book was narrated by Ivan and the Bob book was narrated by Bob.

C: Yes, this is from Ruby’s voice though Ivan and Bob are still around.

S: Does she sound different from them?

C: A little. So it is the same style in some way but different enough to be convincing.

S: Okay. Is the book funny? Or just sad?

C: Both. So it is sometimes sad and sometimes funny.

S: I understand you are itching to read the next book, which just came out. So you must have liked this one.

C: Yes, I did. Very much.

S: Alright, so if you were to describe the book in three to five words–

C: I’d say: emotionally complicated, important topics with sweet old friends.

S: That is more than five words but I think they will work. I knew you had missed Ivan and Bob.

C: I did!

S: Okay, Caramel. Then let us wrap up this review so you can read the next book. What would you like to tell our readers?

C: Stay tuned for more book bunny reviews!

Caramel loved reading The One and Only Ruby by Katherine Applegate and is keen to read and review the fourth book in the series; stay tuned!
Caramel loved reading The One and Only Ruby by Katherine Applegate and is keen to read and review the fourth book in the series; stay tuned!

3 thoughts on “Caramel reviews The One and Only Ruby by Katherine Applegate”

  1. RG’s comments:

    Caramel points to an interesting case of humans unintentionally affecting the evolution of other species. There are many cases of intentionally forced animal evolution, like the creation of many dog breed through selective breeding; but I had never thought about unintentional cases. I wonder how many more there are?

    KG’s comments:
    It’s really not a comment, as much as it is a question: Are elephant tusks strictly for defense, or do they have another purpose?

    Liked by 1 person

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