Caramel reviews Spy School Project X by Stuart Gibbs

Caramel’s last few reviews in 2023 were the many Spy School novels by Stuart Gibbs: Spy School, Spy Camp, Evil Spy School, Spy Ski School, Spy School: Secret Service, Spy School Goes South, Spy School: British Invasion, Spy School Revolution, and Spy School At Sea. Today he is back at it again, talking to Sprinkles about the tenth book, Spy School Project X, first published in 2022.

Caramel reviews Spy School Project X by Stuart Gibbs.
Caramel reviews Spy School Project X by Stuart Gibbs.

Sprinkles: So Caramel you just could not resist, and you had to go back to these Spy School novels, no?

Caramel: Yes. Exactly.

S: Okay, so this is book ten. What happens in it?

C: Ben is the center of a targeted conspiracy.

S: That does not sound like anything too different from the other books.

C: The details are important though. For example you need to know about Project X.

S: So tell me about it.

C: Project X is a project of Murray Hill, Ben’s long-time nemesis. He is trying to get revenge by getting all evil people around the world together to get rid of Ben.

S: What does the X stand for?

C: Not sure.

S: In algebra X stands for the unknown, maybe it is something like that? Or as a Roman numeral, X is 10, and this is the tenth book. Maybe that is it?

C: Not sure. I think Murray calls himself X in social media.

S: I see. It makes sense. Okay, tell me more.

C: Murray is determined to get Ben so he puts a price on his head. So a lot of people are trying to kill him. And on top of that, everyone who believes in conspiracy theories is after him too. Because somehow people begin to think he is a lizard person, because Murray spreads a rumor about that.

S: Oh like that wild conspiracy theory about lizards dressed as humans running human governments. I see. Pretty contemporary I suppose.

C: Yep.

Caramel is reading Spy School Project X by Stuart Gibbs.
Caramel is reading Spy School Project X by Stuart Gibbs.

S: Are there any new characters in this tenth book?

C: No, I don’t think so. At least not any important characters.

S: So then there must be a lot of other characters we have seen before?

C: Yes. Essentially everyone we have seen before. Erica is there. His best friend Mike too.

S: I see. What did you like about this book most?

C: When Ben shoots watermelons from a boat.

S: That is a funny image. Is that why you like it?

C: Yes. He was using one of those big boats with a big fan in the back. And he threw a watermelon to the fan, and it threw the fruit very far. I’m not sure if it would work in real life, but it was certainly funny.

S: Totally. Okay Caramel, let us do a quick summary recap. Can you describe Spy School Project X using three to five words?

C: Action packed, funny page-turner.

S: Those will work! Does this book make you want to continue to read the rest of the series? 

C: Of course! But unfortunately there is only one more book left.

S: True.

C: Maybe the author will write another one this year. He published one almost every year for the last decade. So I plead to you Stuart Gibbs, please write book twelve!

S: I am not sure he reads our blog but I sure appreciate your enthusiasm Caramel. So let us wrap this up so you can start book eleven. What do you want to tell our readers?

C Stay tuned for more book bunny reviews!

Caramel loved reading Spy School Project X by Stuart Gibbs and is eager to move on to book eleven.
Caramel loved reading Spy School Project X by Stuart Gibbs and is eager to move on to book eleven.

3 thoughts on “Caramel reviews Spy School Project X by Stuart Gibbs”

  1. Quite coincidentally, my first job after school was at a company located in Murray Hill, NJ. A beautiful town in the NJ suburbs.

    I don’t know but I think getting hit by a flying water melon could really hurt!

    Liked by 1 person

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