Caramel reviews Amos & Boris by William Steig

It is February, and Caramel is back! Today he is talking to Sprinkles about Amos & Boris, a sweet book by William Steig first published in 1971.

Caramel reviews Amos & Boris by William Steig.
Caramel reviews Amos & Boris by William Steig.

Sprinkles: So Caramel, it is another year, and here we are talking about another book.

Caramel: Yes. There are a lot of books out there.

S: Sure. So what can you tell us about this book you chose for today?

C: This is the story of two animals, named Amos and Boris, who become friends.

S: Tell me more.

C: Amos is a rat. Or a mouse, rather. And Boris is a whale.

S: Okay.

C: Amos wants to travel around the world, but he can’t swim, so Boris saves him. And then they travel together in the oceans for a while and they become friends.

S: So it is a friendship story, right?

C: Yes. It is very much a friendship story.

S: Do you get a good sense of these two characters?

C: Yes. Amos is very kind and caring. Boris is more confident but not arrogantly so. He is also kind.

S: So is kindness one of the messages of the book?

C: Yes. Especially because their kindness is what helps them help one another.

Caramel is reading Amos & Boris by William Steig.
Caramel is reading Amos & Boris by William Steig.

S: I see. So what did you think of the story overall?

C: I thought it was very good. I thought it was excellent! Put a link to a meme of Mr. Burns saying “Excellent!”

S: Okay, let me try:


C: That worked! Yay!

S: Okay, but I am not sure it relates to the book we are talking about.

C: Well, I said the book was excellent!

S: I see. So tell me what you liked about the book then.

C: I liked their friendship. How they helped each other.

S: I see. That is sweet Caramel! What else did you like? Did you like the illustrations?

C: Yes. They are very simple looking but when you look closely there are so many details in each of them! Also in many of them Boris the whale is smiling! And I like that! And sometimes the mouse Amos is also smiling, and that is also nice.

S: Yes, the pictures do look quite simple and simplistic, but now that you told me, I took a better look, and you are so right, there are so many details!

C: Well, I don’t want to say I am always right but you know…

S: Okay, let us not get ahead of ourselves. So you liked the pictures, you liked the characters, you liked the story.

C: Exactly. As I said before, channeling Charles Montgomery Plantagenet Schicklgruber “Monty” Burns, it is excellent!

S: Well, no wonder it is still in print after such a long time. Did you know that this book was first published in 1971? That is more than half a century ago. Does it feel old?

C: No not at all.

S: It makes sense though. From what you are telling me, it sounds like it is telling a timeless story, of friendship and kindness.

C: Yes.

S: And it sounds like you really appreciated it.

C: Yes.

S: Would you have liked it if I had read it to you when you could not read it yourself?

C: Yes. In fact, maybe after we finish this review, you can read it to me. I still like to read together with you.

S: Oh sweet Caramel, of course I will read it to you. Let us wrap this up then. What would you like to tell our readers?

C: Stay tuned for more book bunny reviews!

Caramel loved reading Amos & Boris by William Steig and recommends it to all young bunnies who love the sea, and even those who don't, because, why not?
Caramel loved reading Amos & Boris by William Steig and recommends it to all young bunnies who love the sea, and even those who don’t, because, why not?

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