Marshmallow reviews The Throne of Fire (Book Two of The Kane Chronicles series) by Rick Riordan

Last week Marshmallow reviewed The Red Pyramid, the first book of Rick Riordan‘s Kane Chronicles series. Today she writes about the second book, The Throne of Fire, first published in 2011.

Marshmallow reviews The Throne of Fire (Book Two of The Kane Chronicles series) by Rick Riordan.
Marshmallow reviews The Throne of Fire (Book Two of The Kane Chronicles series) by Rick Riordan.

Marshmallow’s Quick Take: If you like reading about Egyptian mythology or you have enjoyed some of Rick Riordan’s other books, then this might be the book for you (though you should probably read The Red Pyramid first).

Marshmallow’s Summary (with Spoilers): After learning that Egyptian mythology is real and active in the modern world, Sadie and Carter Kane’s lives have been transformed. Now, danger lurks around every corner. The snake / god of Chaos, Apophis, is trying to break out of his eternal prison, and if he escapes, the Ma’at (basically the order in the universe) will fall, chaos will reign, and the world will be in big trouble. In order to prevent this from occurring, Sadie and Carter must release the sun god Ra who will hopefully be able to defeat Apophis and put him back in his prison. Unfortunately, finding and reawakening Ra will be difficult. Stronger magicians failed and were permanently scarred.

Sadie and Carter must find Ra, but Apophis is not their only enemy. Many of the other Egyptian gods also do not want Ra back and will try to prevent the Kane children from reaching him. Even with help from their trainees, uncle, and some of the nice gods, can Carter and Sadie find Ra and save the world before chaos rules over everything?

Marshmallow is reading The Throne of Fire (Book Two of The Kane Chronicles series) by Rick Riordan.
Marshmallow is reading The Throne of Fire (Book Two of The Kane Chronicles series) by Rick Riordan.

Marshmallow’s Review: I liked reading about the many characters in this book, and they are all relatable. Though their situation is not something I can relate to, their emotions are very human / bunny-like, a testament to Rick Riordan’s writing skill. The characters’ voices are all unique but very entertaining.

I also really liked the plot of The Throne of Fire. It is fun to read but still keeps you on the edge of your seat. I especially like how you get to learn new things about Egyptian mythology throughout the book and how the plot is based around actual Egyptian mythology. Everything in the book is based on real Egyptian myths, which I think is really cool.

I must admit that I was a bit taken back by how stereotypically Sadie behaved sometimes, and I also felt that the characters were not terribly kind to one of the characters who was losing his mind. Still, I really enjoyed reading The Throne of Fire and would recommend it to anyone. Readers of all ages would like the book because it is not very scary or inappropriate.

The Throne of Fire is the second book of a trilogy, so the ending does require / make you want to read the next and last book in the Kane Chronicles series. I look forward to reading and reviewing that next.

Marshmallow’s Rating: 95%

Marshmallow rates The Throne of Fire (Book Two of The Kane Chronicles series) by Rick Riordan 95%.
Marshmallow rates The Throne of Fire (Book Two of The Kane Chronicles series) by Rick Riordan 95%.

4 thoughts on “Marshmallow reviews The Throne of Fire (Book Two of The Kane Chronicles series) by Rick Riordan”

    1. The movie does look interesting; thank you! And there is a brother and sister pair too, though they are older and Carter and Sadie! But you are right, it might be a bit scary for the young bunnies.


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