Caramel reviews Just Ask! Be Different, Be Brave, Be You by Sonia Sotomayor

Caramel reviews Just Ask! Be Different, Be Brave, Be You, by Sonia Sotomayor, illustrated by Rafael Lopez.

Caramel enjoys picture books even though he is now able to read some chapter books on his own too. Today he is reviewing another neat picture book, Just Ask! Be Different, Be Brave, Be You, by Sonia Sotomayor, illustrated by Rafael Lopez. As usual Sprinkles is taking notes and asking questions.

Caramel reviews Just Ask! Be Different, Be Brave, Be You, by Sonia Sotomayor, illustrated by Rafael Lopez.
Caramel reviews Just Ask! Be Different, Be Brave, Be You, by Sonia Sotomayor, illustrated by Rafael Lopez.

Sprinkles: So Caramel, what is this book about?

Caramel: It’s about being different.

S: In what way?

C: In many ways. Some children can have diabetes, some can have dyslexia, some have Down Syndrome, and some of them can be deaf or blind. And some kids might have autism.

S: So there are many different ways to be different. Right?

C: Yeah. You can like plants or dinosaurs, or you can like technology. (I like technology a lot!)

S: So what happens in the book?

C: The first person who is talking is called Sonia and she has diabetes.

S: So is thar the author, do you think?

C: Maybe.

S: Yeah, I actually think it is her. Sonia Sotomayor was diagnosed with diabetes when she was a child. Do you know who Sonia Sotomayor is?

C: Not quite.

S: Well the book jacket explains who she is, but I can also tell you. Sonia Sotomayor is the first Latina Justice in the United States Supreme Court. Marshmallow and I read another book by her at some point. She also has a real neat video with Abby from Sesame Street, where they are talkng about the word “career”:

S: Have you seen it?

C: Oh yes, I remember that one! Marshmallow loves that video, she also loves Abby!

S: That is true! But why do you think a supreme court justice would write this kind of a book for kids?

C: Is she retired?

S: No. She is still very much on the court. Any other thoughts?

C: Hmm. I can’t think of anything.

S: Well, from the book I read with Marshmallow, I learned that Sotomayor felt very different from other kids because of her diabetes. Can you imagine why that could lead her to write this book?

C: I think she wants all kids to feel unique and not bad because they are different.

S: Yes.

C: I will read you the very end, when Sonia is back talking to us:

Imagine of all the plants in this garden were exactly the same–like what if we only could grow peas? That would mean no strawberries or cucumbers or carrots. It might also mean no trees or roses or sunflowers.

S: Why would that be bad?

C: I’m reading, hold on, don’t interrupt. Here is Sonia again:

Just like in our garden, all the ways we are different make our neighborhood–our whole world really–more interesting and fun. And just like all of these plants, each of us has unique powers to share with the world and make it more interesting and richer.

S: That is a neat message, don’t you think?

C: Yes. I’m glad you didn’t interrupt me again.

S: I’m sorry! Alright, so tell us a bit more about the book then.

C: The book is a very colorful book. Very very colorful. And the children are of many different colors too. They have different skin colors, but they all have black eyes.

S: That’s interesting how you noticed that Caramel. Yes, the book is really colorful, and the pictures are really fun and joyful, right?

C: Yes, the illustrator Rafael Lopez must be a real good illustrator.

S: Yes! And there is also a Spanish version of the same book, for bunnies who read Spanish. All in all, we both enjoyed this book, right?

C: Yes! So it is now time to say: Stay tuned for more book bunnies adventures!

Caramel really enjoyed reading Just Ask! Be Different, Be Brave, Be You, by Sonia Sotomayor, illustrated by Rafael Lopez.
Caramel really enjoyed reading Just Ask! Be Different, Be Brave, Be You, by Sonia Sotomayor, illustrated by Rafael Lopez.

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